Welcome to My Miniature Menagerie

March 31, 2009

The Wizards Well - Part I

I'm still plugging along adding photos of older projects to this blog so that I can get rid of an old website. This project is my entry for the 2005 HBS Creating Contest called the Wizards Well. As a huge Harry Potter fan, I had the urge to bash HBS's grand roombox into a wizarding supply shop and reading room. Several items are sold at the wizards well...parchment scrolls, quills, wands, potions ingredients, wizarding and witchcraft books, flying brooms, cauldrons, robes...you name it. The snowy owl was made by Alice Zinn. Although I didn't win the contest, it was a blast making this!

1 comment:

Eva said...

So wonderful. i love this whizard house.
Absolutely fantastic