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May 13, 2012

120 Copper Court Living/Diningroom - Before and After

I've been quite the busy bee lately! I just had to do a "do over" of this livingroom. The wainscotting was driving me crazy, and I think it was because it was so clunky and chunky looking. I thought when I first put it in that it would grow on me and I actually think it did, but not in the way I had been hoping. It felt like the more I looked at it, the bigger it seemed to get and I just couldn't have it in the house anymore. So, I tore out the old stuff and replaced it with the same wainscot I've used throughout the rest of the house.



Soooo, much better now!  Onward to finishing the kitchen!


Giac said...

Wow! The new wainscott looks absolutely beautiful! Good call, it looks very realistic...I honestly feel like I'm looking into a real room.
VERY well done, keep up the GREAT weork.

Vicky Alicea said...

I like it better, too. The room looks incredible!

All Things Mini said...

Thank you so much! I can't get over the difference it made.

Cate and David said...

Looks beautiful Marie! :)

Sandra said...

Looks lovely - more delicate for sure. And I really like the flooring too. Sandie